Iron Considerations for the Athlete

Essential for optimal performance!

Welcome to the latest edition of the Fueling Greatness Newsletter. Each week, I aim to decode the “science to application” of nutrition and related fields to help you optimise your performance, body composition and well-being. Be at the cutting edge of this knowledge, and subscribe to my newsletter.


Welcome to this week’s newsletter, where I discuss iron, a vital micronutrient that plays a crucial role in the performance and well-being of athletes. The relationship between iron and athletic performance is intricate, with iron deficiency posing significant challenges to athletes, including fatigue, decreased endurance, and impaired recovery. In this post, I will explore the multifaceted aspects of iron deficiency in athletes, examining the key processes affected by low iron levels, the reasons behind the prevalence of iron deficiency in athlete populations, and the diverse treatment options available to optimise iron status and enhance athletic performance.

Iron deficiency poses a significant challenge for athletes, impacting critical physiological processes essential for optimal performance.

Key Processes Impacted by Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency profoundly impacts various physiological processes essential for athletic performance. One of the primary roles of iron in the body is its involvement in haemoglobin production, the protein responsible for oxygen transport in red blood cells. Inadequate iron levels hinder haemoglobin synthesis, reducing oxygen delivery to muscles during exercise, decreasing endurance and increasing fatigue. Moreover, iron is a critical component of enzymes involved in energy metabolism, particularly in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy source for muscle contractions. Insufficient iron levels can impair energy production, compromising athletic output and overall performance.

Iron deficiency is a prevalent concern among athletes, with certain subgroups, such as female athletes, being at a higher risk due to specific factors like menstrual blood loss, dietary habits, and increased iron requirements from intense training. Females, in particular, are more susceptible to iron deficiency due to menstrual blood loss, which can lead to a negative iron balance over time. Additionally, athletes following vegetarian or vegan diets may be more prone to iron deficiency as plant-based iron sources are less bioavailable than animal-based ones. The combination of these factors underscores the importance of regular iron status monitoring and proactive measures to prevent and address deficiencies to uphold optimal athletic performance and health.

Effective Treatment Options for Iron Deficiency

Addressing iron deficiency in athletes necessitates a tailored approach based on the severity of the deficiency. The initial strategy often involves a "food first" response, where athletes focus on enhancing their dietary intake of iron-rich foods to bolster overall iron levels. Collaborating with a qualified sports nutritionist or dietitian can aid athletes in identifying dietary inadequacies and making necessary adjustments to ensure sufficient iron intake. The bioavailability of different dietary iron sources is crucial, as haem iron from animal-based foods is more readily absorbed than non-haem iron from plant and animal sources. By optimising dietary choices, athletes can elevate their iron status and support their athletic endeavours.

In cases where dietary modifications prove insufficient or impractical, oral iron supplementation may be recommended, particularly for athletes with iron deficiency anaemia (IDA). Oral iron supplements, typically ferrous sulphate combined with vitamin C for enhanced absorption, are commonly utilised to boost iron stores over 6-8 weeks. However, athletes may encounter gastrointestinal side effects like constipation, nausea, or diarrhoea with traditional iron supplements. Exploring alternate-day supplementation or different iron preparations can help mitigate these issues while improving iron levels. For athletes with severe iron deficiency (IDA) and compromised haemoglobin levels, parenteral iron therapies, such as intravenous iron injections, may be necessary to restore iron stores and enhance overall health swiftly.


In conclusion, iron deficiency poses a significant challenge for athletes, impacting critical physiological processes essential for optimal performance. Regular monitoring of iron status, understanding the risk factors associated with deficiency, and implementing appropriate treatment strategies are paramount for maintaining optimal iron levels and supporting athletic performance. By adopting a comprehensive approach that encompasses dietary adjustments, supplementation when warranted, and medical intervention for severe cases, athletes can effectively manage iron deficiency and elevate their overall health and performance levels. Prioritising iron status as an integral component of sports nutrition strategies can empower athletes to reach their full potential and excel in their athletic pursuits.

Take-Home Messages

  • Regular Monitoring: Athletes, especially high-performance individuals, should prioritise regularly monitoring their iron status through screenings conducted in consultation with sports physicians or healthcare providers. Annual screenings are recommended as a minimum, with more frequent assessments warranted for athletes with predisposing risk factors for iron deficiency.

  • Individualised Approach: Recognizing the diverse factors influencing iron status in athletes, including dietary habits, training intensity, and gender-specific considerations, underscores the importance of adopting an individualised approach to addressing iron deficiency. Collaborating with sports dietitians and healthcare professionals can help tailor interventions to meet each athlete's unique needs.

  • Food First Strategy: Emphasizing a "food first" strategy, athletes should strive to enhance their iron intake through dietary modifications before considering supplementation. Optimal dietary choices rich in iron, such as lean meats, legumes, fortified cereals, and leafy greens, can serve as the foundation for improving iron status and supporting athletic performance.

  • Supplementation Considerations: In cases where dietary adjustments are insufficient, oral iron supplementation may be warranted, particularly for athletes with diagnosed iron deficiency anaemia. Understanding the potential gastrointestinal side effects of iron supplements and exploring alternative dosing strategies can help athletes raise their iron levels effectively while minimising discomfort.

  • Timely Intervention: Timely identification and intervention in cases of iron deficiency, especially in the early stages, are crucial for preventing performance decrements and promoting overall health. Athletes experiencing unexplained fatigue, poor performance, or known risk factors for iron deficiency should undergo regular assessments to facilitate prompt treatment and optimise iron levels.

  • Medical Consultation: Decisions regarding advanced iron correction methods, such as parenteral iron therapies, should be made in consultation with trained medical physicians to ensure safe and effective treatment. While these approaches can rapidly improve iron stores and haemoglobin levels, their use should be reserved for severe cases of iron deficiency under professional guidance.

  • Holistic Approach: Maintaining adequate iron stores is essential for the health and well-being of athletes, providing a foundation for optimal haematological adaptation and performance. By understanding the complexities of iron deficiency in athletes and implementing comprehensive strategies to address it, athletes can reduce the potential burden on their athletic endeavours and enhance their overall athletic potential.


That’s it for today! I hope you found this of interest and value.

Have a great week, and see you next week for another edition of Fueling Greatness, in which we will continue to explore key topics in sport and exercise nutrition and unpack the “science-to-application” to help you achieve your performance, body composition and well-being goals.


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1:1 Consultations and Coaching: Book a Zoom session with me. 1-on-1 nutrition consultations and coaching are available to anyone serious about their physical training, body composition and health. Let’s win together 🏅!

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Have a great week!

Best regards,

Dr Laurent Bannock