Maximising Muscle Hypertrophy

whilst minimising fat gain

Welcome to the latest edition of the Fueling Greatness Blog and Newsletter. Each week, I aim to decode the “science to application” of nutrition and related fields to help you optimise your performance, body composition, and well-being. Subscribe to my newsletter to be at the cutting edge of this knowledge.


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Welcome to this week’s post, where I discuss “Maximising Hypertrophy: whilst minimising fat gain”. Whilst I have discussed the concept of Muscle Protein Synthesis in a previous post, I decided to focus specifically on the influence of caloric deficit and/or surplus and its impact on maximising muscle growth.

In my recent Fueling Greatness podcast interview with Professor Brad Schoenfeld on “Making Sense of Muscle Hypertrophy” (access this episode on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple iTunes), we discussed this topic in a segment on caloric deficits (34m:48s), which inspired me to write this post.

Achieving maximal muscle hypertrophy while minimising fat gain is a delicate balance that individuals undertaking resistance training strive to achieve. The concept of an energy surplus, where caloric intake exceeds energy expenditure, is often debated in the context of muscle growth. This post delves into the critical role of managing an energy surplus to optimise muscle hypertrophy outcomes while mitigating the risk of excessive fat accumulation in individuals undertaking resistance training programs.

Individual variations in metabolic response to an energy surplus highlight the importance of personalised dietary approaches in resistance training.

Understanding Energy Surplus and Muscle Growth

An energy surplus is commonly believed necessary for maximising muscle hypertrophy, providing the additional energy required for muscle repair and growth. However, excessive caloric intake beyond what is needed for muscle synthesis can lead to unwanted fat gain. Studies have shown that the source of the surplus, such as carbohydrates or fats, and the timing of nutrient consumption play crucial roles in determining the partitioning of nutrients towards muscle growth versus fat storage. Striking a balance between energy intake and expenditure is essential to promote muscle hypertrophy without compromising body composition.

Strategies to Minimize Fat Gain

To optimise muscle hypertrophy while minimising fat gain, individuals can adopt several strategies. One approach is to focus on nutrient timing, ensuring that macronutrient intake is aligned with training sessions to support muscle recovery and growth while preventing excess fat storage. Additionally, paying attention to the quality of calories consumed and prioritising nutrient-dense foods over empty calories can help maintain a favourable body composition during periods of energy surplus. Regular monitoring of body composition and adjusting caloric intake based on progress can also aid in preventing excessive fat accumulation while promoting muscle growth.

Personalised Approaches for Optimal Results

Individual variations in metabolic response to an energy surplus highlight the importance of personalised dietary approaches in resistance training. Tailoring caloric intake to match individual energy needs, training intensity, and goals can help optimise muscle hypertrophy outcomes while minimising fat gain. Consulting with a nutrition professional or coach to develop a customised nutrition plan that accounts for energy balance, macronutrient distribution, and nutrient timing can further enhance the effectiveness of resistance training programs in achieving desired body composition changes.


Managing an energy surplus is a key factor in maximising muscle hypertrophy in resistance training, but it must be done judiciously to prevent unwanted fat gain. By adopting strategic approaches to caloric intake, nutrient timing, and personalised dietary planning, individuals can optimise muscle growth while maintaining a favourable body composition. Balancing the energy surplus for optimal muscle hypertrophy without excessive fat accumulation is a nuanced process that requires attention to detail and individualised strategies to achieve the desired training outcomes.

Take-Home Messages

  • Energy Balance and Muscle Hypertrophy: The relationship between energy balance (surplus, deficit, or isocaloric states) and muscle hypertrophy is complex and needs to be fully understood. While an energy surplus is commonly recommended for muscle growth, recent research suggests hypertrophy can occur in various energy balance conditions.

  • Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy: Muscle hypertrophy is driven by mechanical tension, protein turnover, cellular signalling pathways, and metabolic responses to resistance training. These mechanisms interact to promote muscle growth and adaptation.

  • Nutritional Considerations: Adequate protein intake, nutrient timing, and overall dietary quality support muscle repair and growth. The role of nutrition in influencing factors like muscle damage, metabolic fatigue, and hormonal responses to resistance training is significant.

  • Training Stimulus: Progressive resistance training is essential for inducing muscle hypertrophy by providing mechanical tension and stimuli for muscle adaptation. Muscle damage, metabolic fatigue, and hormonal responses also contribute to training-induced hypertrophy.

  • Individual Variability: The response to energy balance, resistance training, and nutritional interventions can vary among individuals based on factors like training experience, metabolic status, and genetic predispositions. Personalised approaches may be necessary to optimise muscle hypertrophy outcomes.

  • Future Research Directions: Further research is needed to explore the optimal energy balance conditions, nutrient strategies, and training protocols for maximising skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Methodological considerations in measuring energy intake, expenditure, and body composition are crucial for interpreting study findings accurately.

  • Practical Applications: Integrating evidence-based practices, such as tailored training programs, strategic nutrition plans, and individualised approaches, can help individuals optimise muscle hypertrophy outcomes and enhance overall physical performance.


That’s it for today! I hope you found this interesting and valuable.

Have a great week, and see you next week for another edition of Fueling Greatness. We will continue to explore critical topics in sport and exercise nutrition and unpack the “science-to-application” to help you achieve your performance, body composition, and well-being goals.


Fueling Greatness Podcast: This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and YouTube, and new episodes are released weekly.

1:1 Consultations and Coaching: Book a Zoom session with me. 1-on-1 nutrition consultations and coaching are available to anyone serious about their physical training, body composition and health. Let’s win together 🏅!

Fueling Greatness OS [Digital Course]: Your nutrition and lifestyle 90-day system to help you optimise performance, body composition and well-being. Accelerate your results with this self-paced course. COMING SOON!

Have a great week!

Best regards,

Dr Laurent Bannock